From the convenience of working from your Home or other Safe Place

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way that we work. It is important to keep our staff and service users safe.

Addictions North East and Addictions UK are specialists in offer offering remote training, treatment and home-based therapies.

Our training courses can be accessed using elementary technologies. The comprehensive choice of remote, face to face and online training is unrivalled.

Our Trainers and Facilitators

Our face-to-face training is delivered by trainers and facilitators who have a wealth of specialist and practical knowledge and experience in the areas of addictions, mental health, psychology, and neurodiversity.

You will receive a high level of support and tutoring from experienced practitioners, experts, and specialists at an affordable price.

Find out more about the AddictionsUK Integrated Education and Training Programmes.

Click to access the

Addictions Online Training Portal