Free access to Addictions UK’s training programme for those taking part in an evaluation.

Are you:

  • A user of Addictions UK / Addictions North East or other addictions services?
  • A carer or family member of someone experiencing addictions?
  • A practitioner or supporter working with those experiencing addictions?

If you belong to any one of these groups, you could access Addictions UK’s training programme for free by signing up to take part in the evaluation of the initial pilot scheme.

Addictions UK and Addictions North East have commissioned an external evaluation of its training programme.

The evaluation will help us to:

  • Have a better picture of what people have learned and gained from doing our training.
  • Understand any difficulties encountered in doing the training.
  • Make changes that improve our training programme for others.
  • Reach out to more people who would benefit from our training programme.

To access our training programme for free, we ask you to agree to:

  • 1) Complete an initial online survey about why you want to do the training, your levels of existing knowledge, and what supports you have in place at present.
  • 2) Complete just ONE of the following:
    • i. An online reflective journal about what you are learning along the way and any difficulties you are experiencing, OR,
    • ii. A telephone interview with our evaluator to produce a short case-study of your learning journey.
  • 3) Complete another survey at the end of the training asking about what you have learned, what you found difficult, and any changes that have come about.
  • 4) Have a follow up with the evaluator after 6 weeks, either a questionnaire, phone call or focus group, depending upon which you prefer.

Our external evaluator will produce a report of the evaluation and all those who take part will receive a copy.

The final evaluation report will be published on Addictions UK and Addictions North East websites.

Your participation in the evaluation will be anonymous (you do not have to give your name) and we will do our upmost to ensure that no-one can be identified in the reporting of the findings.

Anyone participating in the training pilot and evaluation will be free to leave at any time they need or wish to.

If you want to talk to anyone about this opportunity, please contact:

James King on 0300 3303 040