Addictions North East is a registered charity offering Supported Housing in County Durham and Sunderland With services users from throughout the North East of England

How we can help you

Our supported housing service is specially designed for people who feel unable to live alone due to addiction or behavioural issues such as mental health conditions, Learning difficulties or homelessness.

We can help through a holistic approach to not only recover but also rebuild relationships and avoid relapse.

Some of our professional team have fought their own battles with addiction, meaning they are best placed to not only help you in your recovery journey, but also understand your situation through personal experience.

In most cases, we can admit users into our service within 24 hours, Monday to Friday. Please call us to find out more.

“1000% they’ve saved my life and give my children their mam back, and give my family a whole new better me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me and my family”
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Sharron Bresnen

Our Supported Housing service

Here are some of the benefits of choosing us for your recovery residential housing. 

Other services we provide:

  • Family / Friends Support Service
  • Welfare Benefit Advice Support and Advocacy Services 
  • Support through Fareshare and ANE food purchases
  • Remote and Face to Face  1-1 Therapeutic Sessions,  
  • Help with setting up a new tenancy and dealing with the various housing management considerations
  • Budgeting guidance and help with daily living skills
  • Support with basic life skills, including prompting and supervision
  • Routine, goal and boundary setting
  • Information and signposting on local services and amenities
  • Regular Review / Consultation / Monitoring,
  • Referral for specialised medical services
  • Diagnostic / Formulations for Required reporting / Legal and Right’s needs,
  • Service User involvement at ANE meetings and training
  • Attendance at Mutual Aid Meetings
  • Arts / creative writing support services
  • Support sessions with Infinite Autism personnel

You can also access these services if you are not a resident. See our Outpatients page for more details.

Acceptance Criteria

What is the criteria for being accepted into the ANE Supported Housing Project?

  • A demonstrable commitment to abstinence 
  • Satisfactory completion of a referral form
  • A demonstrable commitment to addressing individual mental health conditions
  • Free from mind altering substance prior to admission and a desire to abstain from drug and alcohol use.
  • Satisfactory completion of a referral form
  • Psychological Evaluations forms completed
  • Agree to the Rules and Regulations
  • Face to Face meeting arranged and drug/alcohol test administered (one-week clean time minimum)
  • Outcome advised after ANE Internal discussions with Staff / Management.

Clients will be asked to agree to our Terms and Conditions. We have a strict policy of our clients abstaining from alcohol and drugs.

All residents will be requested to agree in writing to our Rules and Regulations. If these rules are broken you may be asked to leave. All fees are non-refundable.

Our supported housing costs

Addictions North East is a registered charity, and we seek, where ever possible, to keep all our charges to a minimum.

For those applicants who do not qualify for housing benefits we offer a private residential service, which is currently lower than commercial residential rehabilitation costs.

Our charges are £500.00 per week for residents that do not qualify for welfare benefits.

All fees are payable in advance of admittance. Private fee-paying residents will be asked to commit a minimum of four weeks residential treatment as this is deemed to be the shortest time scale that can make a positive impact to the individual.

Please note – We will not accept any applications from fee charging referral agents.

For those applicants able to claim Housing Benefit, we will assist them to make a claim towards our residential charges. All residents in receipt of housing benefit are required to pay a weekly contribution towards their electricity / gas costs, water rates, TV licence, and broadband together with a contribution toward transport arrangements.

Book a Free Assessment

Women Only Supported Housing

We are proud to be able to offer a dedicated women’s only services and family accommodation.

This service is tailored to vunerable women suffering from addiction, domestic violenceand other complex issues. We offer our services to those requiring the most intense levels of support and therapeutic services based on abstinence wellbeing.

The women we accommodate and support have complex health, child welfare, family and relationship breakdown, offending behaviour, historic abuse, addiction, childhood trauma / self-harm.

We offer shared accommodation – a maximum of two persons per house. We also offer single occupancy to those who require such a dwelling – moving on to their own houses after a period of sharing is encouraged.

Family accommodation is also offered, as single people with childcare responsibilities would not be offered shared accommodation for safeguarding reasons.

Our background

Addictions North East (ANE) has operated in the North East of England since 2004

For over 18 years, we have assisted individuals who need support with substance abuse recovery, relationship breakdown, trauma and various mental health as well as neurodiverse conditions such learning difficulties and personality disorders. Housing management and addressing unmanageability is core to our support service.

We manage a range of range of residential properties across the north east of England including County Durham and Tyne and Wear. Our residences range from single occupancy to shared housing and even a dedicated women’s only residence option.

Currently we have 50 beds in 35 houses and our Trustees are committed to increasing this service with new house purchases ongoing.