Do you need to claim PIP?

Addictions North East (ANE) wish to publicise the availability of assistance that can be paid by the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) to assist people with some extra costs caused by long term ill-health or disability if you are aged between 16-64. Our agency operates within the North East of England and we may be able to offer advice and guidance and, in some cases, practical support to claim PIP.

How can we help?

We offer a specialist and detailed report writing service which we may be able prepare for you to support your own application for PIP to the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP).

We can also advise you and provide practical assistance in submitting your application to the DWP. You will need to clearly write the required answers to the numerous question on the application form and describe your difficulties and needs, based on your overall requirements – including those on a bad day.

The DWP Commission Private Companies like ATOS and CAPITA to prepare Health Assessment Reports on the condition of the applicant – You too should do the same. A well written professional report may be of great assistance to you.

We can often provide evidence that can be the difference between your success and failure. You should also obtain evidence from your GP, Health Advisors and any other specialist service that has been assisting you.

We commission our own Independent Health Professionals in preparing an independent assessment as to your current need which we will prepare on your behalf. This will assist you to establish your claim for assistance from the DWP. If you elect to receive our full reports then we will send them to you, and you may wish to use some of the information in your original application. It is essential that your application to the DWP for PIP is clearly written and comprehensive.

What is PIP?

“Personal independence Payment” – PIP is a benefit for people who have long term physical disabilities or mental illness. It replaces disability living allowance (DLA) for people aged 16 or over and under 65. Like DLA, you do not need to have paid national insurance contributions to get it and it is not taxable.

The rate depends on how your condition affects you, not the condition itself.

You will need an assessment to work out the level of help that you can get. Your rate will be regularly re-assessed to make sure you are getting the right support.

Is PIP restricted to Just your physical needs?

Certainly NOT ! PIP may be paid to people with mental health issues such as people who have a chronic addiction problem to drugs and or alcohol. People experiencing from mental health conditions such as depression, stress, anxieties, personality disorders and other mental health issues may well qualify for financial support. If you need help to assist your Independent Living you should consider making an application for additional money to meet your essential costs.

How to apply to the DWP for PIP

Claims to PIP are started over the phone by calling the PIP new claims number 0800 917 2222 (Text phone: 0800 917 7777). Once the claim has been registered, DWP will send the claimant a ‘How your disability affects you’ (PIP2) form for completion, together with an information booklet.

The DWP are open on Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. You will need to supply your date of birth, your NI Number, your bank account number and sort code, Doctor or Health Workers name, Details of any time spent abroad, in hospital or a care home. You may wish to give our name too if we are helping you with your claim by providing reports.

Then please telephone us on Freephone 0800 140 4044 and we will alert you to the questions that the DWP may ask you when you contact them.

Helping you to help yourself

It is not what you physically can do – It is what “Your Head” will not allow you to do” … Get Help to Help yourself! Statistics show that evidence from Health Professionals and clearly written PIP application forms will increase your chance of receiving help from the DWP / PIP Scheme. You may wish to ask for assistance from a close friend or relative to ensure that all the issues which you face are included in the PIP application form. A local advice centre or charitable organisation may also be able to help you write your application. Please feel free to telephone us on our Freephone Number to discuss whether we can assist you.

Preparing my PIP report

The following information will assist claimants with mental health conditions such as Addictions Problems / Depression / Stress / Anxiety / Personality Disorders etc. to claim financial support through the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Personal Independence Programme (PIP).

We may be able to help you by assessing your need and supporting your application where appropriate. The information is designed to promote the legitimate take up of benefits to claimants who otherwise might not receive the levels of support they require from health professionals.

Some doctors and health professionals do charge for reports – and sometimes it is worth commissioning a medical expert to confirm that you need assistance because of your various conditions.

We strongly recommend that potential claimants should contact your nearest specialist Advice Centre – such as a Citizens Advice Bureau / Centre, Law Centre, Disability Rights Service, Carers’ Group, Local Authority Welfare Rights Agency, Local Authority Adult Services etc. for advice on how to complete the PIP Application form.

We need to gather medical evidence on your medical and mental health conditions. Here are some questionnaires that we use should you would like us to conduct an assessment for you.

We are able to conduct Assessments for various Disorders / Conditions such as:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Paranoia, Antisocial, Schizoid, Narcissistic, Dependent, Schizotypal, Borderline, Avoidant, Histrionic Personality Disorders.

Here are details of the DWP Points scoring Questions relating to their main Descriptors: Subject to various conditions we may be able to assist you to complete the PIP Application. Alternatively, download the PDF below.