Making donations to Addictions North East

Addictions North East (ANE) gladly accept donations from individuals & companies to sustain our life-changing work. If you are a UK taxpayer, we would also ask you to consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your donation to us – more details below.

There are various ways in which you can quickly and easily donate money to the work of Addictions North East and play a part in bringing freedom and hope to those who have been trapped in a life of addiction and recovering from trauma.

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme allows charitable and non-profit organisations to reclaim the basic rate income tax from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs. As a rough guide this means that for every pound donated to charities, including Addictions North East, an extra 25 pence can be claimed.

Am I eligible to Gift Aid my donation?

  • Firstly, you must be a resident in the UK. (You also qualify if you are Crown servants or members of the UK armed forces serving overseas).
  • You must pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax the charity will reclaim.
  • You must also provide Addictions North East with a gift aid declaration.

How can I Gift Aid my donation to Addictions North East?

When you donate to Addictions North East using (PayPal/Stripe) or Go fund me/just giving) as described above you will be able to choose to gift aid your donation by checking a box or clicking on a link. If you would like to donate to us in another manner, or apply gift aid to a previous donation you have made to us, please contact us.

For more information on Gift Aid, please visit the HMRC site.

All donations are much appreciated and will permit us to help even more vulnerable people in need.

Some ideas to help you donate

Coffee / Tea
Breakfast / Lunch
Group session
Counselling session
Emergency aid
Welfare support
Specialist Sessional worker
Supported recovery and accommodation

Remembering Addictions North East in your Will

The generous donations made to Addictions North East not only allow us to keep up the support we give to all those currently in our programme, they give us the opportunity to reach out to more men, women and families whose lives have been damaged by long term addiction. Including a gift in your will to Addictions North East will help us to extend our work offering freedom and hope to many more people as we seek to open new houses and centres and meet our mission of restoring broken lives.

Making a will, whilst providing for your family and friends, also enables you to make sure your money and possessions are given away as you wanted them to be. Making a small change to a will can be made by making a codicil. More significant changes require a new will to be drawn up.

We would strongly suggest you use a solicitor to make or amend your will.

If you need to discuss leaving a donation in your will or require any further information, please call us on 0800 1 404044 (option 2) or email us at