Addictions North East seeks to aid those people and their families.

Who are experiencing an unmanageable lifestyle, due to addiction, mental health or neurodiverse conditions.

We offer a specialist provision and our services may not be appropriate to the needs of everyone.

We would be delighted to meet up with possible applicants so if you wish to seek an appointment please contact us to make an appointment on our free telephone number 0800 140 4044.

To understand the extent of your requirements we will conduct an initial assessment. This can include the completion of several forms.

This is so we can understand you better and once completed they will assist our specialists to formulate the basis for treatment, support, and help.

These forms may be completed by you and returned online, or we can help you with this task when we meet up.

Understanding the factors that contribute to your personality is a complex and sensitive endeavour. It is important that people requiring our assistance want to work with us and chose the recovery model best suited to them.